ARISTOCRACY. 7 probably, as a general rule, served without salary, and hence Aristotle advises (Pol., vii. or vi.> 4, ^ 6), that the principal magistrates in an oligarchy should have expensive public ser- vices (liturgite) imposed on them, so that the people should willingly be excluded from these offices, and should not be jealous of the holders of them, inasmuch as they had paid high for their privilege. It would be well, also, he thinks, that when they enter on their magistracies they should make sacrificial feasts and build some public monument, for thus the people, partaking of the festivities and seeing the city adorned with statues and buildings, would desire the perma- nence of the constitution. But this, he adds, " the oligarchs of the present day clo not do, but rather the contrary. They seek gnins no less than honors, for which reason it is just to call the oligarchies democracies in the hands of a few/' The administration of justice in the aristocratic city-states of Greece differed from those of the democracies chiefly in these particulars : that civil cases were decided by magistrates without a court of judges or dicasts, and that criminal justice, as far as crimes were concerned, was in the hands of colleges of public officers. Murder and other crimes having a relig- ious side, were brought before special courts. Aristotle re- marks on the impolicy of so organizing the courts *of justice that those who are not full citizens could serve in them, " for by demagogy in reference to trials they [the members of the aristocracy, when accused of crimes] change the constitution, as happened in Heraclea of Pontus." (via, or v.> 5, $ 5.) The Greeks of the little oligarchies strove with great good sense to preserve the existing state of things by institutions, especially by an education of the young, suited for this end, But it was impossible, whenever intelligence and wealth came in among the people, to preserve these governments from feeling the natural causes of decay, such as the feeling of in- feriority in those who were excluded, of bitter hatred towards the haughty eupatrids, of decay in the number and physical constitution of families marrying within themselves. * A time of decay came to all of them, Aristotle me»tif us tibte dangfers